Xtraction Solutions Connector Now Available to Wavelink Customers

New Connector Provides Simple and Powerful Data and Analytics to Manage Device Populations

SALT LAKE CITY — January 12, 2015 — Wavelink today announced its Mobile Enterprise Productivity Suite is now being supported by an Xtraction Solutions connector to deliver real-time reporting, dashboards and analytics to its customers. This new data adapter provides company leaders with easy access to the data they need to make intelligent decisions for their businesses and provide greater visibility and understanding of the mobile computers carried by workers.   

“In an industry where fine-tuning a process can save hundreds of thousands of dollars, our customers will benefit greatly from this new integration,” said Steve Bemis, vice president of Wavelink worldwide sales. “Our customers have massive device populations and they want the insight and ease of use Xtraction provides. We’re excited to be able to offer this capability. The customers who have already seen this connector have readily embraced it.”

The Xtraction connector for Wavelink offers a simple way to understand the device population across the enterprise. It tells them where their devices are, which operating systems are running on them and the time since the device last contacted the network. It also gives much-needed insight so businesses can see at a glance if they have a surplus or deficit of devices in any given location, helping them improve efficiency across the organization. The solution also gives insight into asset lifecycles, so managers can readily see which assets are out of compliance, need updates or are in need of renewal, saving businesses time and maximizing each asset’s impact.

Recently acquired by LANDESK, Xtraction provides a reporting and dashboard solution that allows IT organizations to connect multiple data sources into a single, easy-to-use solution. The Xtraction interface allows even non-technical users to quickly visualize the state of their IT environment and make informed decisions to improve processes, technology, projects, security and service levels across the business.

“The reports and dashboard visibility offered by Xtraction is of significant importance in the rugged mobile computing space where Wavelink focuses,” said David Krebs, executive vice president at VDC Research. “For many Wavelink customers, labor represents their single largest operational expense. Providing them with tools to maximize worker uptime performance, and even extend that visibility to systems and data sources to go beyond the task worker space and into other enterprise segments represents a significant value add.”

This new Xtraction connector for Wavelink, another subsidiary of LANDESK, is now available as part of a bundle, which includes both the server and the connector.


  • To see a live demonstration, visit Wavelink at the National Retail Federation; booth 1310.
  • Wavelink will be providing a public webinar, “How do you measure worker productivity? The answer is Xtraction for Avalanche!” on Jan. 13. To register for this event, please visit here.
  • For organizations that would like to integrate this data with data from existing asset management, please see http://www.landesk.com/products/xtraction.

About Wavelink

Wavelink accelerates mobile productivity with solutions that enable supply chain operations. Organizations around the globe and across industries such as manufacturing, retail, warehousing and field force automation rely on Wavelink enterprise mobility management, host-connectivity applications, and voice-enablement solutions to connect mobile devices to supply chain management systems, ensuring worker productivity in mission-critical mobile deployments, reducing costs and contributing directly to operating margin. www.wavelink.com

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Press Contacts

Dan Sorenson
Method Communications
[email protected]

Chase Christensen
LANDESK Software
Public Relations Specialist
[email protected]